
DHA is an initiative by Blue NAP Americas and Bureau Telecommunication en Post that is supported by its founding members including: CINEX, CIFC, IPE, SIMIA, CFA and KVK. As a platform we facilitate the interaction between businesses active in the digital economy eco-system to offer commercial or professional services to governments or the private sector in the Americas. This interaction leads to:
  • Development of new products and services to better cater to citizens and customers 
  • Discovery of new developers and companies that can create these products and services 
  • Advocacy for changes necessary to improve the ability of Hub members to provide their services to international markets

DHA believes in the power of unity, together we can develop the digital sector as the fourth economic pillar of Curaçao that can create new jobs to attract our diaspora to remigrate and offer opportunity for locals to switch to a different sector. By bringing in more highly skilled- knowledge migrants to the island we aso contribute to a population growth to support the economy and in doing so contribute to other economic pillars on the island. Moreover, local citizens can also benefit from the improved services and products that become available thanks to the alliances formed through DHA.

Vision: Be the premier and trusted digital hub for the Americas

Mission: Enable businesses to co-create locally and deliver globally

Curaçao; The Gateway to the Americas

As part of the Dutch Kingdom and located just of the coast of South America and just a 1 hour away from Central and North America, Curaçao is the perfect hub between America & Europe. Our favorable legislative framework and stability of governance combined with the necessary electronic communications infrastructure and the fact that the majority of the population is multilingual, enables local companies to export their services to a global market. Curacao’s geographic location puts the island outside of the hurricane belt, making the island an optimal location to avoid at least one natural disaster.